Group Call And Portofilo Info

Portfolio & Group Call Details

Propel Bi-Weekly Calls

Please follow the button below to get more info on Propel student calls

90 Day VA Portfolio Submission Guidelines

STOP before you start working on your portfolio items or submitting them for feedback, watch this video! Esther goes step by step in how to properly create and share your portfolio for both the program AND future clients. Have a look!

Sample Star Portfolio Pieces:

Every week Deya our program manager and Esther do weekly feedback sessions and send them via Loom individually back to you. Expect responses within 1-2 weeks depending on the backlog.

If you get a response from the [email protected] email then we received your items and no need to worry!

Our monthly group calls will be to answer questions, review any common issues we are seeing, mini trainings, etc. 

You can submit questions to be answered to the same email: [email protected] and listen on the recording posted to the units tab of the Facebook Group within 48 hours of the live call. 

Submissions must be sent via Word, Pages or Google Doc and allow comments. Google Drive links ONLY (no dropbox) and must be ‘editable’ or ‘allow comments’ (if you don’t know how to do this there are some guidelines HERE)

If you want to edit and then submit your items again for review that’s ok! Otherwise, you may edit and add to your portfolio if the notes are minor.


Monthly 90 Day VA Call Details & Recordings

Monthly Call Information
See Our Current Call Schedule HERE it’ll always be in the ‘Events’ of our Facebook Group.

Before The Call:
1) Download and Install the ZOOM App
2) Submit anything you want reviewed or questions you want answered to Esther: [email protected]

To Join The Call:
                 1) Add the upcoming dates found HERE and the dial in and login information to your phone with an alarm NOW
                 2) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
                 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,2253931749# or +16465588656,,2253931749#
                 Or Telephone (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location) :  US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
                 International numbers available:
                 Meeting ID: 225 393 1749

*As a reminder, we review anything and everything on these calls so you will want to be logged in so you can SEE what we are discussing vs. dialing in. Dialing in works if you’re in a pinch though!*

What if I Miss It?!

No worries! We’ll be putting the recordings in the Units tab of our Facebook group HERE We keep them for 1 month and then remove them to keep our server space open. Anything reviewed with comments from Esther will be sent back to you within 48 hours after the call.

Helpful Links & Info

Zoom Call Info (always the same)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,2253931749# or +16465588656,,2253931749# 

Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656 

Meeting ID: 225 393 1749

International numbers available:


are you sure you want to log out?

Portfolio Submissions

STOP before you start working on your portfolio items or submitting them for feedback, watch this video! Esther goes step by step in how to properly create and share your portfolio for both the program AND future clients. Have a look!

Sample Star Portfolio Pieces:

Your mentor will send feedback via email or Loom videos individually back to you. You can expect responses within 1-2 weeks depending on the backlog.

If you get a response from [email protected], then we have received your items and you don’t need to worry!

Submissions must be sent as Google Doc ( documents and the sharing settings must be ‘editable’ or ‘allow comments’ (if you don’t know how to do this there are some guidelines HERE).

If you want to edit and then submit your items again for review after receiving feedback, that’s okay! Otherwise, you can also just edit and add  the items to your portfolio if the revision notes you receive are minor.

Q&A Call Info

Every month, Esther holds a Q&A call for the US/Asia time zone and Deya, our COO and program manager, holds a Q&A call for the EU/Asia time zone.

Our monthly group calls are for answering any questions that you have, discussing any common issues that we are seeing and conducting mini-trainings.

Feel free to join us live on the monthly group call or if you can’t make it, watch the call recordings at your convenience.

The recordings will be posted to the Units tab of the Facebook Group within 2-3 days of the call.


Monthly Call Information:
See Our Current Call Schedule HERE it’ll always be in the ‘Events’ of our Facebook Group.

Before The Call:
1) Download and Install the ZOOM App
2) Submit any questions you want answered on Esther/Deya’s monthly Q&A calls here: [email protected] or [email protected]

To Join The Call:
1) Add the upcoming dates found HERE and the dial in and login information to your phone with an alarm NOW

2) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,2253931749# or +16465588656,,2253931749#

Or Telephone (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location) : US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656

International numbers available:

Meeting ID: 225 393 1749